Sunday, February 12, 2006
Horseshoe Curve 01-27-06
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Horseshoe Curve near Altoona Pennsylvania (aerial photo) is an excellent place to watch trains. It was a cold but very sunny day when my friend and I decided to take a trip up there. It was cold but not windy. Being winter, the museum, store and funicular were closed, but we could walk the stairs up to the viewing area. There is a recently repainted and not yet lettered GP 9 on display there. We had the tremendous fortune of meeting Mr. David Seidel at the top who is the Chapter Historian for the Horseshoe Curve Chapter of the NRHS (National Railway Historical Society). While we were waiting for horsepower to muscle its way through the curve, we had an enjoyable time talking with Mr. Seidel about Altoona railroad history. In nearby Altoona there is the Railroaders Memorial Museum which is more about life on the railroad than about the railroads themselves. It has been a while since I have been there but it is a first class museum and it is still improving. We did not visit the museum on this trip, but plan to when we come back to the area. It was an excellent and enjoyable day.